Thursday, November 27, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 47

It feels great to be up-to-date and on time with these posts again! We're getting the kids and the car ready to head down to Grandma's house for a few days. The kids are super excited about spending time with Grandma and Papa and Brandon and I are eager to run away from them and go out on our first date since before Hunter was born!

November 21, 2014:  Hunter has become so expressive when he's talking. I spent a few days just taking pictures of his different expressions to put together a collage in his scrapbook. Here's one of my favorite faces for the bunch.

November 22, 2014:  Our first taste of food, sweet potatoes! He wasn't too impressed, but I'm sure the thought of solids will grow on him. I can't believe my baby is old enough for this!

November 23, 2014:  The kids decided to go into hiding tonight. They typically don't use the tv in the loft, but Bailey wanted to watch a movie and Tyler didn't want to be alone.

November 24, 2014:  I just love chubby baby toes and fingers! Plus, look at Hunter's new trick, sitting! This week has brought some big milestones for Mr. Chunky! Sitting, first foods, and crawling!

November 25, 2014:  Hunter's doctor thinks that there may be an issue with the shape of his head causing a slight asymmetry with his face. Our appointment is tomorrow, I'm trying to suck in all of the band free moments that I can!

November 26, 2014:  Our appointment went great, and little man does not need a Doc Band! This Mommy couldn't be more excited! Bailey was thrilled to see her brother when we came home from our appointment.

I'll have to add our Thanksgiving picture in with next week's post. Happy Thanksgiving, from my family to yours!!

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