Saturday, November 22, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 43

This week was an absolute blast! I got to take my 2nd graders on a field trip to the NC Zoo. They had a great time! I wish I could have spent some time going through with Tyler, but such is life.

October 24, 2014:  Hunter is interacting with us more and more each day. Here he is smiling at Daddy.

October 25, 2014:  Little man insists on nursing everyday when I get home from school. This session ends in a cat nap every day as well. I'm going to miss these moments in a few months!

October 26, 2014:  He's so proud of himself!

October 27, 2014:  Tyler's becoming an independent little being. He insists on making his own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches now.

October 28, 2014:  Must have been a rough day at daycare.

October 29, 2014:  I wish the mirror on his playgym was a little nicer, but this shot still turned out cute!

October 20, 2014:  One of the few shots I took while at the zoo. I didn't want to have to keep track of my good camera while chasing 20 2nd graders around but I managed to catch a few pictures with my iPhone. Next year will be a different story!


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