Wednesday, November 12, 2014

6 Months ~ Hunter

We're at the half a year mark already! It's so hard to believe that this time last year we were just starting to tell our family and friends about you. Your brother and sister were so excited to be able to share the news with everyone!

Sleep:  You are in full on sleep regression mode as of late. Our wonderful sleeping little boy has started to wake every 2 to 3 hours all. night. long. I don't mind too much, it gives me some extra snuggle time with you. You've finally gotten out of the Rock n' Play sleeper and into your own crib. This was a major struggle this month! You would often start your nights out in the crib but will eventually move to either the rocker or mom and dad's bed. Since you can sit yourself up in the rocker now, we knew it was time to get you out of it and into the crib.

Likes:  You love to be tickled and are starting to get the hang of peek-a-boo. You also enjoy taking baths with Mommy, Bailey and/or Tyler. Night time snuggles are a must as well. There's nothing more adorable than a snuggly baby!

Dislikes:  You don't like to be cold especially after your baths and hate when Mommy puts lotion on you. You have also decided that dirty diapers are not your thing and will let us know immediately when you need to be changes.

Favorite Toys:  The swing but it finally died this month and is now unusable, your Bumbo seat, Sofie the Giraffe, and the exersaucer.

Eating:  You're still going strong with eating every 2 to 3 hours around the clock! Mommy is in complete denial about you being old enough to start solids and is avoiding it at all costs.

Milestones:  You can roll from back to belly and belly to back like nothing. You have also figured out how to scoot toward toys that you are interested in. You tend to move in an inch worm fashion when doing so. You are holding your own bottle at daycare, can stand holding on to someone's fingers, bounce/jump up and down, and sit up with a little support.

Tooth Count: 0 but you are chewing on everything!!

Words/Sounds:  This month you have started this adorable gargling sound. Still no mumum sounds or dada but you find it super funny when I try to get you to say them.

Clothes:  We are officially into 6 to 9 month clothes.

Firsts:  This month you celebrated your first Halloween! We went to Grandma's house for Boo at the Zoo in Greenville, SC as well as a trip to their local pumpkin patch.

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