Friday, November 2, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 11-3-2012

5.  I took the kids to the mall to get Bailey some new shoes. Upon walking into the shoe store, Bailey's eyes became as big as quarters, her jaw hit the floor, and she immediately began pointing yelling "that" while kicking her feet.
4.  Brandon gave Bailey a poptart that had a snowman on it. She refused to eat it and instead spent the morning talking to the snowman and giggling.
3.  Bailey loves to copy everything, everyone, ALL the time. While on a trip to the store:
Tyler coughed-Bailey coughed
Tyler cleared his throat-Bailey cleared her throat
Mommy laughed-Bailey fake laughed
Bailey clapped
Silly girl!
2.  I decided tonight that I wanted to rent a movie from the local red box machine for the first time (sad, I know). This is how the conversation went:  Tyler- "Mommy, what's the red box?"  Mommy- "You'll see." Tyler (In a super cute little boy/girly voice)- "I'm e-scited!"
1.  Tyler made honor roll for 1st quarter!! This teacher/mom is super excited! On the way home from school on the afternoon that his teacher sent home the invite Tyler says in a super depressed voice "Mom, I'm still on a roll." Me-"When are you going to be off of the roll?" Tyler-"I don't know."
Have a great weekend!


  1. We live in copy world too! It is pretty funny, until the tantrum hits!! I love the shoe store one, a girl after my own heart ;) Congrats to tyler and you!!

    1. We're lucky that Bailey is copying Tyler who is and has never been a tantrum thrower! I don't think I could handle that!

  2. LOL! Tyler & Bailey are hilarious!!!

  3. #5 is so cute! She is all girl for sure! Haha- I love the copying game! I laugh when we play this game! Yah Tyler! I love that he is on "the roll" Smart boy! Such cute laughs! Have a fantastic weekend!

    1. The copying game is fun, as long as I'm not the one being copied! LOL!

  4. Congrats on the honor roll! He's too cute ;) And love that you have a shoe diva on your hands too!

    1. Thank you! I'm am not a shoe person, so this is new territory for me!

  5. Hahaha I love that she talked to the snowman on the Pop Tart!

    1. She even added a new word to her vocabulary that morning, "owman"!

  6. Love the pop tart and honor roll! So cute!

  7. Cute laughs, my little girl is all about shoes too!

    1. Going from a transformer and super hero crazed boy to a shoe diva was quite the change!

  8. Ahh, you have a shoe girl! We'd get along great!

    1. LOL! I'm worried about the teenage years with this fashionista!

  9. Hahahah, they are too cute. What would we do without our kids for comic relief?!

  10. I love that she picked her shoes herself! Wow. I can't wait until my daughter gets the that stage. I think she's only a few months younger than yours so I bet it will be soon! :)


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