Saturday, October 13, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 10-13-12

5.  We took the kids to the local pumpkin patch this past week. They have a few animals there for the kids to pet. Bailey fell in love with the horses. She stood at the fence making kissing noises and patting her leg to get them to come to her!
4.  Whenever a question is asked beginning with "Where...." we get this response:

3.  Brandon was making some break and bake cookies. Tyler asked him if he was making cookies and his smart mouthed dad said "No, I'm cooking wood." Tyler then said, "I want to eat some wood. What's in it?" I replied "Just some leaves and dirt." When they finished cooking, he was so excited to get to try some wood! It's been a few days and he's still asking for it!
2.  Tyler wanted to play tea party. He draped a dark blanket over some larger toys, filled 2 cups with water and grabbed 2 apples. He drug daddy off of the couch and had a tea party, in the dark, in a tent that was only a foot or so off the ground. Dad was such a good sport about it!
1.  The following video is what happens when your 17 month old watches their big brother a little too closely...

Have a great weekend!!


  1. Hmmm. What does wood taste like? ;)
    I'm going to try to go to our local pumpkin patch this weekend, weather permitting

    1. Believe it or not, but the wood tasted an aweful lot like oatmeal butterscotch cookies! ;0)

  2. They are too cute. Bailey's reaction to where questions is so funny!!

  3. Cute laughs!

    My 17 mo old does the same thing by watching her big brothers.

  4. Your laughs are all so funny but that video has me cracking up. Love that tumbersault- so funny and then the "oh" in the background. LOL!!! Haha- I love the wood comments. I say let him try it and then he will never ask for wood again-:) Such cute laughs!


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