Monday, November 2, 2015

Week 41 ~ Catch the Moment

October 7:  The boys giving the opposing team a high five. This was a tough game that was a nail biter right up to the end. We ended up winning by 1 point thanks to Tyler's tying RBI and lead capturing point. The entire team played great! It was nice for my boy who typically strikes out to finally score some big runs!

October 8:  Our of inspiration. My neighbor's dog was running around with a new haircut. She's a photogenic little thing!

October 9:  I love these cubby little rolls!

October 10:  We took the munchkins camping again this weekend! The campground we stayed at had a ton of Halloween festivities. It was cool, wet, and rainy but that didn't stop us from having a good time!

October 11:  After spending a good part of yesterday inside the camper due to the rain, we took the kids to visit the zoo today. Hunter loves the animals!

October 12:  It's a bird, it's a plane, not it's bat baby!

October 13:  Hunter loves being outside!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

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