Saturday, October 4, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 34

This was a busy week getting my new classroom prepared for my students, starting the 2014/2015 school year and getting everyone used to our new schedule.

August 22, 2014:  This. Have I mentioned how much I love my new school? Notice the play gym with the baby on the floor? Yeah, that would have NEVER happened at the last school.

August 23, 2014:  Daddy set the crib up today. Isn't it cute? Too bad Hunter won't sleep in it!

August 24, 2014:  Little man had to be taken to Urgent Care for the first time today. He developed a crazy rash that spread super fast. We aren't sure what caused it but it sure gave us a scare!

August 25, 2014:  This big guy is now a 2nd grader! He loved his first day at the new school, especially since he didn't have to wear a uniform!

August 26, 2014:  I hope they love each other this much is a couple of years!

August 27, 2014:  I miss this face! I know I work for good reason, but it sure is hard not being at home everyday anymore!

August 28, 2014:  The daycare life is rough. Someone fell asleep while we were eating dinner.

And that wraps up our first week back to school full time! Slowly but surely getting caught up on this project!

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