Friday, October 10, 2014

Top 5 Saturday Laughs ~ 10-11-2014

So much to blog about, so little time! I miss doing our weekly laughs. It's such a fun way to keep up with the crazies! Here are just a few of the strange things they've said over the last couple of weeks.

dentistmelsbbutton2 Saturdays Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  I've been working on a quilt for Bailey for I'm not even going to admit how long. I have several of the strips sewn together and had the next couple stacked and ready to go. I went to sew a few more together only to find that someone (read Bailey) had gone into the room and messed them all up. I asked Bailey about it and she said "You should have locked the door." <--- Good parenting advice right there.

4.  The boys went fishing so I took Bailey and Hunter to the mall. We walked past the water massage tube machine things and someone was in one. Bailey was slightly confused and asked who the dead guy was.

3.  Tyler loves our new school. He is no longer the only teacher's kid and has lots of friends to play with. They have a blast after school playing 'school'. It's funny to listen to them mimic all of the different teachers!

2.  Bailey had a 'cold' last week and she let us know right away. "Mommy, I sick."<Insert fake double sniff here.> "See."

1.  Bailey was licking her hand repeatedly a few days this week. I finally told her should stop or she would get worms. She told me "Only my Grandma has worms." I. Died.

And on that note, have a great weekend!


  1. Cute! ! I guess you should lock your doors. ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh my Bailey is hysterical. I hope the quilt was not ruined at all! I feel ya on working on something awhile and then a sneaky kiddo gets to it! I love the one with warms. I would have LOL and peed my pants!


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