Saturday, August 9, 2014

Top 5 Saturday Laughs ~ 8-9-2014

It's been forever since I've participated in this link up, life has gotten busy with 3 little ones at home! I have an over supply of funny moments to use, it's so hard to pick! But here are my favorites from the last couple of weeks.

dentistmelsbbutton Saturdays Top Five Laughs  Come Join our Blog Hop

5.  Bailey got out of the bathtub and was running around naked. I told her to go find some pj's to put on and she said "No mom, I'm going to be naked foreva!" <---- Yes, she said foreva!

4.  It didn't take Bailey long to figure out that most of the time when Hunter cries he's hungry. About a week after we brought him home from the hospital he was crying and she quickly informed me that I needed to 'give baby those things'.

3.  Tyler loves his little brother, but hates it when he's upset. He tries so hard to calm him down by giving him his paci, talking to him, rubbing his head, and shooshing him.  When this doesn't work it usually results in a 7 year old big brother on the verge of tears for his baby brother.

2.  We went out to lunch with my mom after the kids had spent a few days with them. She was telling me about their fishing experience and that Bailey touched a worm. I looked at Bailey and told her she was 'such a boy.' Tyler responded with 'and I'm such a girl, I wouldn't touch it!'

1.  Bailey had surgery on her foot a few weeks ago. When we were getting ready to leave recovery to go home, the nurses wheeled an older person past us. They had just gotten out of surgery and were still sleeping. Bailey's jaw hit the floor and in a panic asked why that person was dead. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Oh yay! So glad you linked up. I missed you! Haha- I am going to be naked forever. Sounds like something Z would say!Oh my goodness- #1 is hysterical! LOL! I feel you on life with 3:)

  2. 3 year olds are fun! Brandon was SOOOO embarrassed with number 1. I on the other hand, couldn't contain my laughter. :D


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