Friday, January 23, 2015

Week 3 ~ Catch the Moment

After a cold week last week we were blessed with an absolutely gorgeous weekend. It was nice to finally get out the of the house and enjoy some fresh air! Brandon was able to get our outside Christmas decorations down as well, bonus!

January 15:  I love this stage! It's fun to see Hunter so interested in the world around him. Here he is examining his squeaky toy that was passed down from his brother.

January 16:  Bailey's car seat expired in Brandon's truck so I ordered her a new one. It sat in the house for a few days and made the perfect sitting spot for playing on her Kindle Fire!

January 17:  Tyler hates it when I take his picture! So I snuck this one in while he was watching tv before bed.

January 18:  It was beautiful outside today! Bailey had a great time helping Brandon take down the Christmas lights and clean out his work truck.

January 19:  We took full advantage of our extra long holiday weekend and brought the kids to the park.

January 20:  Our inspiration this week was eat! Bailey is now completely obsessed wit feeding Hunter.

January 21:  I found this Dora bath soap set on clearance after Christmas. Little Miss was a tad excited to break it open and use it tonight!

Stephanie, Mindi and I are hosting the project this year and we'd love to have you join. It's never too late to start!


  1. Kids love sitting in their carseats in the house, but not in the car. What's up with that?! Great pictures, thanks for hosting!


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