Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Week 1 ~ Catch the Moment

I am beyond excited to be co-hosting Catch the Moment 365 this year with Stephanie over at Behind the Camera and Dreaming and Mindi at Stavish Stills Photography! This is a great project, with a wonderful group of supporters. Please join us on this journey, I promise you won't regret it!

2014 was a great year for our family. From fun times in Michigan, a family camping trip at Mammoth Caves, and the birth of our 3rd child Hunter, we've made a ton of great memories. That being said, I'm looking forward to all that 2015 brings us!

January 1:  Our partying days ended long ago. We now spend holidays hanging around at home spending time together as a family and I couldn't think of a better way to spend them. I think Hunter agrees, he loved getting to spend some extra time with both Mom and Dad.

January 2:  These days this little guy is such a ham. Now that he has figured out how to crawl and pull up on furniture he's always coming over to socialize. He's such a happy, sweet boy most of the time.

January 3:  Bailey loves her baby brother. I mean, what 3 year old girl wouldn't love their very own living baby doll? As he has gotten older, he has started to protest a lot of what she tries to do to him. He is usually complaining about her and trying to get away, but for a brief few minutes today they were playing nice!

January 4:  Our family loves camping in the summer but we have outgrown our almost 30 year old popup camper at this point. Brandon has been spending a lot of time looking at campers online lately. Bailey had to check out some of the campers he was looking at today.

January 5:  Santa brought Hunter some new bathtub toys to replace the ones that I had thrown away. They were a big hit this week! On a side note, check out Hunter being a big boy and sitting in the tub all by himself!

January 6:  One of Tyler's daily homework assignments includes cutting out a set of spelling words. Bailey loves to mimic everything that he does and had to get out her own paper to cut and scissors. She's looking forward to starting preschool next year and getting her own homework.

January 7:  I'm not one for setting New Year's resolutions because I can never keep them! But, I started a twin-sized rag quilt for Bailey 2 years ago and it's still not done. I am promising myself that this and several other half-completed projects will be finished this year!


  1. Love your detail shots! We visited Mammoth Cave in September and stayed at Jellystone - loved the campground even more than the caves I think. Such a fun weekend. Is that where you guys stayed?

    1. We stayed at a KOA not too far from it. It was an awesome trip! Other than having to carry our 3 year old through the entire 2 hour tour!

  2. Really love you bath shot! And cute kids!

    1. Thank you! I'm a little biased, but they are pretty awesome! ;0)

  3. I too am in love with the bath shot. Just draws you right in with that water and those bright toys!
    GREAT photos.

    1. Thank you! Bathtub photos are always my go to when I'm stuck for ideas.

  4. Cute pictures! My favorite is the bathtub one. :)

  5. What cute pictures. They are getting so big! Hopefully soon you can link up to the Sat laugh! xoxo

  6. LOVE the bath shot, and the sewing machine shot is super cool too!! Glad you've joined the hosting ranks - welcome! :D

    1. Aw, thanks! I'm excited to continue on with the project!

  7. Awww some lovely images!! Need to be more creative this year with my photography! Over from the blog hop! Sim xx

    1. I started to get a little lazy at the end of the year last year. I'm hoping to catch more detail shots this year!

  8. Love the photo of the sewing machine. One of my 30 before 30 goals was to make a quilt, but that did NOT happen.


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