Sunday, January 25, 2015

8 Months ~ Hunter

Oh how I love the holiday season! Not only does it mean introducing you to many of our family traditions, but it also means I get to spend extra time with you! This month has been full of highs and lows, but I wouldn't have it any other way! You are loving that you can get anywhere you want to and are often a little braver than I would like. From letting go and standing completely on your own, to attempting to climb the stairs, there is no slowing you down! My favorite from this month, you follow us everywhere we go and will climb up my leg to get my attention and ultimately get picked up. You really know how to work your Mommy!
Sleep:  You still haven't mastered sleeping through the night. I'm beginning to think that you never will. This month you have been up about every 2 to 3 hours, sometimes even every hour. You still go to bed around 7:30 and wake up for daycare at 5:30.  If it's a weekend or vacation day you will typically sleep until 7 or 8.
Likes:  You love when people make animal sounds at you. For some reason barking tops the list and always results in crazy amounts of laughter. You have also found Zoe and will spend a good bit of time watching her from the slider.

Dislikes:  You hate when you have to sit still for a diaper change! It's become quite the game to try to get you to lay in one spot long enough to get you changed. Most days you crawl around in just a diaper because putting clothes on you also results in tears. You don't like the word no, and show us how upset you are when we take things away from you.
Favorite Toys:  Stacking cups, taggie blanets, Sofie the giraffe, and Tag the dog top the list this month. You especially love making Mommy and Daddy stack your cups so you can knock them down!

Eating:  This month you started oatmeal, pears, Cheerios, and sweet potato puffs. You love being able to feed yourself snacks and Mommy loves that it keeps you busy while we eat dinner too!
Milestones:  This moth has been more about perfecting the skills you learned last month. Your fine motor has really improved and you're crawling at lightening speed. You are trying to stand unsupported, but it hasn't worked out so well for you just yet.

Tooth Count:  Your big brother lost his two front teeth right before Christmas. We've been teasing him by singing the "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" song. Christmas morning, he still didn't have any teeth to speak of, but you woke up with your 2 bottom teeth just about poking through! Santa brought them to the wrong kid! They aren't quite through yet, but will be in a matter of days I'm sure.
Words/Sounds:  You are now using mumum and dada to get our attention and are beginning to attach them to us correctly.
Firsts:  You celebrated your first Christmas this month! This meant your first trip to see Christmas lights, which you slept through, your first visit with Santa, Christmas dinner with us and Grandma, Papa, and Uncle Curt, as well as your first time opening presents. You also had your first ear infection and a round of antibiotics which you hated!
This month was full of memories and great times. You continue to be a joy to be around and are an incredibly loving baby. Love you little man!


  1. Hunter is so dang adorable! I love all the photos youve been sharing!

  2. Awww, happy 8 months! He looks like such a happy baby.

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