Sunday, January 20, 2013

Our Potty Training Adventure

January 19, 2013:  The Beginning

I got up this morning with NO intention of making the plunge into potty training. After eating breakfast I began checking my blog and writing my laughs as I do most Saturday mornings. Bailey came running into the living room dragging her froggy potty along for the ride. I ignored her and continued blogging (world's best mom award anyone?). She then began to pull her pants off herself and I figured I should probably give her some attention. She didn't need to go, but had recently gone. I figured what the hey, lets give this a whirl.

Off to the store we went to get some supplies. We armed ourselves with some girly training pants, plastic pants, and some real big girl undies (wishful thinking?). When we got home the real dirty work began!

I didn't know that putting on underwear, taking them off, and putting on a different pair was so much fun! The first few hours were spent doing just this. Hey, at least she was taking an interest? After our first accident it was time for a nap so back into diapers we went.

When Bailey got up from her nap she insisted that she needed to go back to the 'how many times can I change my undies?' game that she had started earlier in the day. With constant encouragement to sit on the potty (which she would do but only for 2-3 seconds at a time) she eventually had accidents #2 and #3 for the day.

At this point I gave up (shhhh don't tell the toddler!) and we went outside to enjoy the mild weather until Grandma and Papa came to pick Tyler up for the weekend. Brandon and I snuck out of the house for a quick childless dinner (first one in years!). When we came home Bailey was back into a diaper and ready for bed. Grandma says she might have used the potty, but she couldn't tell for sure because she had tried the good old 'warm water' trick to see if that would help.

After day 1 of potty training, we have officially had 3 accidents and 0 (1?) success. I have however, learned a few things.

1.  This kid can hold it FOREVER!
2.  She will only sit on the potty for more than 2 seconds if I give up my kindle.
3.  Underwear makes a great toy!

I hope tomorrow is better!


  1. Lol! Personally I was too lazy to put my daughter in undies until she was old enough to potty-train overnight with a bribe (it was right near her third birthday). But a good tip for at first is put her in front of the tv or give her a book (or iPhone) so she'll sit a little longer. Good luck!

    1. I think you might just be on to something with the wait until they can be bribed idea!

  2. I think it sounds like you guys are doing so well so far! Love that you are having fun with it and staying positive--go you, Momma!

    1. I'm taking the 'glass half full' approach on this one for sure!

  3. Oh girl! Good Luck..Try the 3 day method. It worked for us. We had to modify the nap/nighttime stuff, but it was wonderful!

    1. I think since we are on day 4 and are no where near potty trained, I just might! ;0)

  4. :) potty training is dirty work. literally! Best of luck


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