Saturday, September 20, 2014

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 9-20-2014

School has gotten off to a great start! I must say that I love my new school, my new team, and my students! They are keeping me busy and I haven't been on here as much as I would like, but hopefully I'll be able to catch everything up soon! For now, here are some of the crazy things they have said/done over the last couple of weeks!

dentistmelsbbutton Saturday Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  Bailey has been experimenting with words and expanding her already insane vocabulary. She has informed us that Hunter is obnoxious.

4.  Bailey takes after her daddy. She was walking through the living room, kicked the foot of our swing and immediately glared at me and said "Ugggggg, why you move that there!" The swing has been there for 4 months and hasn't moved.

3.  Hunter had his 4 month check up last week. His doctor told me that he needed more tummy time to force him to stretch his neck muscles. She said he's too lazy to hold his head up straight. I put him on his tummy the next night and he rolled over for the first time 5 seconds later. I guess he likes being lazy.

2.  We had a fly sneak in the front door which isn't hard since both of our older 2 like to hold it open and take forever getting into the house. Bailey told Daddy he needed to spank the fly with the fly swatter.

1.  Tyler gets the award for the funniest moment and I believe that it has earned me the mother of the year award. We were getting ready to go home after a long day of school and I noticed his shirt was on backwards. I asked him if he knew and he said "Yup! And my shorts are on inside out!" How this happened and I didn't notice, I'm not sure! 

Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that she says Hunter is obnoxious. Where do they come up with this, LOL! I almost peed my pants on #1!! I would have been hysterical! I am so glad school is going well!


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