Friday, June 12, 2015

Week 23 ~ Catch the Moment

My first year in my new school and district has come to an end! This year has been such a blessing to myself and my family. I can't express how much I love where I am at this pint in my career. That being said, it's been a busy week of finishing school projects, cleaning, packing and moving my classroom. I'll catch up with my photos in a few days, but for now here is a picture of the beautiful sunset at our annual principals bus race!

Please join us on our link up! We have a wide range of experience within our link up from professional photographer, to mom's obsessed with their children (that one's me), to iPhone users. All are welcome!


  1. It really was! This was an iPhone picture which didn't do it justice. I dropped my camera battery at school in my rush to get home. :0(


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