Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hunter is 2!

I can't believe you are 2 already! Time has flown since you were born. You are full of spunk and will not be left behind by your brother and sister! The words 'I do it' are spoken often in our house. You impress everyone that meets you with your fine motor skills and vocabulary. You are quite the character and will do anything for a laugh, even if it's at the expense of your siblings!

You are putting together sentences with 4 to 5 words, can put on your pants, socks, and shoes by yourself, love to play catch, are starting to learn colors and your favorite phrase right now is "What's that?" 

Yellow seems to be your favorite color, Mickey Mouse, Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig are your favorite tv shows, and being outside is your favorite activity. You'll eat just about anything, and have started using the potty like a big boy on occasion (we're going to work on that one this summer!).

You haven't met an animal that you don't like! You're missing your 4 eye teeth still and haven't gotten in your 2 year molars just yet. You're wearing a size 4 diaper and are between a 24 month and 2t for clothes.

Coloring is also a favorite activity, especially if it's coloring on the walls. :) 

You love to take your brother and sister's things, and know that you can run circles around the table in the kitchen and they'll never catch you!

Babies always catch your eye, and you have to say hi to all of them. Your best friend is Mason  and you two get into lots of trouble together!

On your 2nd birthday, you loved driving your train around on your cake that I made for you! You couldn't wait for Daddy to get all of the candles lit and blew them out before he could light them all! It took several tries to get them all lit.

You are a brave little guy, and not much scares you. You are also a very loving and caring soul and you don't like it when your people are sad or upset. Even though you often cause many of the tears in our house, you are also the first one there to give a hug and make them feel better.

We love you to the moon and back little man! I hope you stay as sweet as you are now forever. It would be nice if you'd stop trying to grow up so fast, but that's been your goal since the day you were born! <3 

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