Saturday, May 26, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs

Whew, we've been busy during the last couple of weeks. Multiple birthday celebrations for the little girl, preschool graduation and parties, and lots of guests in and out of our home. I did manage to find some time to write down a few laughs though. Enjoy!

1.  My 4 year old son is learning the art of small talk. This past week we went to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription, they know us well there. He began talking with the clerk at the counter. The conversation went something like this:  "Will you be working on Saturday?" -Tyler "No, I have Saturday off" -Clerk "Maybe I'll see you at the grocery store." -Tyler "Possibly, I do need to get some groceries." -Clerk  My son is setting up dates already with WAY older women at the age of 4.

2.  As I said, we have been celebrating preschool graduation this week. On Monday, they took a field trip to Monkey Joes (a local restaurant that has bounce houses and slides to play on). Tyler some how managed to get a rug-burn-like injury on his elbow. For the rest of the night he refused to move his arm in any direction and no one could look at or touch him.

3.  As Bailey gets older, she has become more difficult to change. Often times, I will let her get up after removing the diaper and catch her a minute or two later to finish this process. 4 times this week, she has decided to pee on the carpet within a few seconds of getting let loose (I think it is time to stop this trend). She is however, kind enough to let us know it is coming as she has decided when naked, it is best to squat while peeing on the carpet.

4.  Living in the south means that we have had to learn a whole new language. Tyler has begun to pick up on saying Ma'am. Yes Ma'am, No Ma'am, Thank you Ma'am, etc. Unfortunately, he hasn't picked up on the fact that when you are talking to a man you are supposed to refer to them as sir. All week this week he has been calling his dad Ma'am!

5.  Tyler is a very picky eater and we have a difficult time getting him to eat most nights, even when it's something he likes. This week he told us that he couldn't eat his pork chop because he was allergic to it. We told him that if he didn't eat he couldn't have a Popsicle for snack. He very quickly responded back with "But I'm not allergic to Popsicles!" He eventually ate his dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Haha- I love #1- starting early,lol! Oh no- poor baby hurting his arm. I love the South language. Ma'am-LOVE IT! #5 is hysterical! I am not allergic to popsicles. LOVE THIS POST!! Such cute laughs. Have a great weekend!


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