Saturday, May 5, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs!

I haven't been very good about blogging on a regular basis, so I'm taking the idea of the Top 5 Saturday Laughs to help get myself into the routine. I hope you enjoy my first 5!

1. Tyler spent last weekend with my Mom and Dad. They came home on Sunday so we could go to the movies to see The Pirates Band of Misfits. The movie wasn't very entertaining and about half-way through it Tyler looks at Papa and says "Don't fall asleep Papa!"  I think he was really reminding himself to stay awake!

2.  Brandon typically beats me home from work. On Tuesday he had both of the kids home and was making dinner. Tyler was carrying around a sippy cup wondering around the house and about 2 steps behind him was Bailey copying his every move. She really loves her big brother!

3.  Bailey came down with high fever Wednesday afternoon and I had to leave work early to pick her up from daycare. Later that night she was walking around shrugging her shoulders every couple of seconds. Naturally, her dad panicked thinking there was something wrong with her. I stopped her, shrugged my shoulders and she responded with an ear to ear grin and did it back. Babies do the silliest things!

4.  On the way to the doctor Thursday to figure out what was going on with Bailey Tyler was asking if he could go back and visit the dentist again (I think he wants another treasure box prize). I said he could but not until October. He responded with "Bye Mom. I'm at Grandma's house now."  Do you think she spoils him??

5.  Bailey still isn't feeling very well and has been a total Mommy's girl for the past several days. Today, Brandon sat next to me on the couch trying his chances at a back rub. As soon as I touched him Bailey crawled over and pushed him out of her way. No one is getting near this Momma except her!

I hope you enjoyed some of our families laughs from this week!


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