Friday, August 17, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 8-18-2012

Grandma wanted to get in a few more days this summer with Tyler before he starts Kindergarten so he spent most of his week in SC. It's been a quiet week with just Bailey and I, but we enjoyed some great (and much needed) girl bonding time. But, I was busy trying to enjoy my time with her and slaked a little on finding some laughs. These are the best I could come up with!!

5.  Tyler is a very picky eater and Bailey will eat anything. Even strange things that kids aren't supposed to like. We went to O'Charlies for dinner this weekend and gave Bailey a variety of steak, chicken tenders and corn dogs. Instead, she chose to make a meal of A1 steak sauce. YUM!!

4.  It's fun to watch Bailey pick up on socialization skills. This last week she spent copying everyone around her from coughs, to laughs, to cries.

3.  I took Bailey on a shopping spree for some of that mommy/daughter bonding time. She spent the entire trip dropping things from the stroller just so she could use her newly discovered word "uh oh."

2.  Bailey's favorite word of all time is ball. She wakes up saying ball and notices them EVERYWHERE!! She went crazy in the produce departement with all of the oranges, apples, pineapples, grapes, etc! One of her favorite balls, the giant red one in front of our local target.
1.  I have been working on some baby gifts for a couple of friends. While at the kitchen table working on them I hear Bailey giggling. I look down to see her laying on the floor and touching a piece of fuzz with her finger. As soon as she got close to it, it would jump away causing more laughter to errupt! She spent 10 minutes playing with it, which is much longer then she ever plays with an actual toy!!

I hope you have a fantastic weekend!!


  1. So cute! I remember the "uh-oh" phase. It was the worst when the twins were in it at the same time. All I ever did was bend over and pick stuff up. :)

    1. Arg. Picking things for one is enough work, I can't imagine doing it for two! Moms of multiples amaze me!

  2. LOL!!! I can so relate to the ball! When my nephew was about 2, I was washing dishes and he was playing with something behind me on the kitchen floor. He kept asking what it was & asking if it was a ball. Without turning around I said, "yes, it's a ball". It sounded like he was bouncing and rolling a ball. Why bother turning around, right? WRONG!!!! It was a grapefruit!!! He was so upset when I told him it wasn't a ball. :-(

    1. Poor guy! She hasn't gotten a hold of any of our fruit "balls" yet, but I'm waiting for it!

  3. Oh, she's a cutie! I love listening to them learn new words, even if they do drive you crazy with "uh oh."

    1. She was a late talker too, which makes these words even more special. It is great to watch them grow and learn!

  4. Cute cute kids! They are adorable. Love that she played with the fuzz for ten minutes. Being a mommy is the best! :)

  5. she is so cute!

    My nephew used to eat mayonnaise and ketchup packets - silly kids!

    My daughter just started doin uh-oh...I love it

    1. We love those too!! And ranch, and butter, and mustard.... :-)

  6. So funny- my kids eat the same way as yours- one will eat everything- one nothing! Haha isn't it funny that you can buy all the toys in the world, but they choose to play with fuzz. So cute! Love your laughs!

  7. I love one year olds and the way they find things to entertain themselves. No need for real toys, lol!

    Great laughs. Glad you got some one on one time to bond. I adore taking one kid out and doing that.

  8. She is a doll! What a sweet, sweet picture :)


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