Friday, August 24, 2012

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 8-25-2012

It's been a busy week! My first full week back at work and the kids first full week back at daycare. My classroom is set up, we had a successful open house, and in just a couple of days I'll get to meet my new kiddos. Oh, and Tyler will be starting Kindergarten!! Amongst all of this chaos, I did manage to find some laughs to write about.
5.  I was being lazy and eating a bowl of cereal on the couch. Bailey wanted some so I gave her a couple of bites. I guess I wasn't fast enough for her though because before I knew it her entire hand was in my bowl grabbing a fist full!!
4.  Tyler got up for daycare Tuesday and was told to get his clothes on. He returned to the living room sporting his new t-shirt for the day over top of his pj shirt. His response, "Oh man mom, I forgot to take off my other shirt!"
3.  I put Bailey on my bed one night while I was grabbing some clothes for in the morning. Our bed is pretty high up, around 3 feet. I turned around to catch her trying to crawl off of it backwards. She of course fell to the ground. I waited for a cry but instead she began laughing hysterically. This process repeated several times over.
2.  We have the rubber sticker-like door stoppers on the insides of our kitchen cabinets. Bailey found them, and now I can't.
1.  Tyler discovered the lovely noise that 2 walkie-talkies make when they are put too close together. I asked him to stop and he asked why. I said it hurts my ears and he asked me if my ears were going to go blind. Hmmmm, maybe?
Have a great weekend!


  1. LOL...great laughs

    I love how he put his shirt over top his pjs

  2. Haha- mommy hurry up and give me more than a couple of bites,lol! So cute with #3- H fell off the bed and cries like a madwoman. Haha love #1. If your ears are going to go blind-kids,lol!! Have a great weekend!!

  3. Hahaha my little girl grabs fist fulls of cereal too! :) (Also, I agree with your comment about messy kids!!)

    For Love of Cupcakes


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