Saturday, February 2, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 2-2-2013

5.  There is a new baby at daycare. When I went in the house to pick Bailey up on afternoon, she came running over to me saying 'baby, shhhhh!"

4.  Bailey is determined to grow up WAY too fast. She's decided this week that she is too big for sippy cups. When she spills a little water out of her 'big girl' cups she proudly announces "Cup pee Mommy, cup pee!"

3.  Bailey learned a new word last weekend, owie. It was cute, until Monday when she woke up sick. She spent the entire day complaining owie and pointing to random body parts. Her toes, her cheeks, her ears, her belly, a finger, her hair......

2.  Tyler didn't make honor roll this quarter because he of his writing. He hates anything that involves fine motor and always has. I was talking to him about the importance of using finger spaces in between his words. He told me he did use finger spaces. I said his teacher told me he didn't to which he responded "She must be blind because I use them!" When did he become a teenager?

1.  We have the best conversations when driving to school in the morning!
Tyler:  Mom, next time when we go to the beach can I bring a red crayon?
Me:  Why?
Tyler:  So I can draw a red X on the sand and find a buried treasure like the pirates do.
Me:  I don't think a crayon will write on the sand.
Tyler:  Well if it works on the sidewalk it should work on the sand.


  1. Too funny! Liam loves the babies at daycare too, although he's more into pointing and shouting "A baby!"

    1. LOL! I'm sure she's typically the loudest one when she isn't telling everyone else to be quiet!

  2. Bailey is growing up so fast! She's talking like crazy, Natalie still babbles a ton. I honestly can't wait until she communicates better since she gets so frustrated when I don't understand her. I like Tyler's idea about the treasure - I am thinking I will give that a try myself :)

    1. Too quickly! She's just now starting to use words instead of squeals, a relief for sure! I don't think my ears could take much more of the constant crying and tantrums!

  3. I Love those Kids. Tyler can search for gold with Papa.

    1. He needs to FIND gold still! Every time I've brought him he has been unsuccessful!

  4. I love kids' imaginations...digging for buried treasure sounds fun, I think you should put dad in charge of that one! ;)

  5. Haha bailey was so excited about the baby-too cute!Cup pee mommy- I am LMAO!!!Haha love the way kids think- of course mom it will work on the sand!!:)

    1. It's quite funny, until she starts doing it on purpose with her red cool-aid on the carpet! Stinker!

  6. Oh my gosh, they are too funny! I love the little glimpses into their minds lol.


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