Friday, February 8, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 2-9-2013

Toddlers are just too stinking cute! I'm going to have to pay more attention to Tyler next week because this week is ALL Bailey!

5.  Bailey took my spoon from me when we finished sharing some pudding for snack. I figured she was going to put it in the sink, but nope. Into the drawer it went and into the dishwasher went all of the spoons.

4.  Bailey learned the word 'pop' at 18 months (trying for that mom of the year award yet again!) even though she doesn't EVER get more than a sip and only when we are at a restaurant. Thankfully, she has decided the hugs 'juices' that Brandon picked up last week are her 'pops'. So cute to watch her walk around the house drinking out of those little plastic barrels saying "My pop, mine!"

3.  When I picked Bailey up from daycare this week they were changing one of the other toddler's diapers. Bailey took one look at him, plugged her nose and walked away.

2.  Daddy has a little shadow. Wherever he goes, she goes. Whatever he does, she does. (I secretly like it that way, please don't tell!) Right down to trash duty. He takes the bag out, she drags it to the front door. He gets out the new bag, she shakes it open. He puts it in the trash can, she has to pull the sides up. They have it down to a science.

1.  Bailey had just gotten out of the bathtub and was running around in her diaper. She stops mid stride, grunts, toots, and then proceeds to check out her handy work within her diaper.

Have a great weekend!


  1. LOL at the plugging her nose. How cute!

    My kids know that word pop too. They hear it and see everyone else at parties drinking it. They want it too! Only special occasions :)

    1. You're stronger than me! Tyler tends to sneak it from Mommy and Daddy's drinks quite often!

  2. She is too cute! I am laughing at her plugging her nose and her "tooting". You've got an adorable one on your hands! :)

    1. It's the only way she can be so naughty! I think daycare would kick her out if she wasn't so cute!

  3. Bailey is too cute! I secretly like that my daughter is her father's shadow too! Shhhhh!

  4. Breanna already knows coffee! Every time she sees a Starbucks cup she knows!

  5. Too cute with pop! LOL! Love that Bailey, plugged her nose! I am cracking up at #1! Too funny!!

  6. Aww, daddy's little shadow, how cute!


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