Sunday, April 21, 2013

Top 5 Reasons I Shouldn't Have Potty Trained

Bailey decided a few months ago that it was time for her to potty train. Yes you read that right, my then 20 month old daughter decided it was time for her to potty train. round 1 didn't work out so well (if I knew how to link that post I would, but I don't so sorry). She was pretty close to getting it, and then got the stomach flu. I waited a couple of months and tried again over spring break. She is most of the way there (still having an accident or 2 here and there). But part of me really wishes I wouldn't have listened to her! Here is my list of the top 5 reasons why I shouldn't have potty trained!

5.  Taking her to the bathroom every 20 minutes, takes.a.lot.of.time.

4.  We have gone through a ridiculous amount of hand soap! I knew the foamy stuff was fun, but really?

3.  The toilet paper, oh the toilet paper! I'm all for letting her grow-up but seriously kid, must you do everything yourself!?!

2.  Public trips, are not so much fun anymore. She still can't hold it for more than 2 seconds so we always put her in a diaper when we go out. Now, she LOUDLY exclaims what she has done in her diaper when she does it for the world to hear! This of course after crying for a minute before doing so because she knows she's not supposed too.

1.  4 people, 1 downstairs toilet, enough said.


  1. OY! So funny how both our girls decided at 20 months that potty training was needed. I was not really ready for it either. We no longer use diapers because she likes to take her pull ups off to go. C will not go in public yet nor at school. We still have a long way to go! And I agree with you, our upstairs bathroom is not done being remodeled so we have 5 ppl and one toilet downstairs. OY

    1. We're switching to pull-ups as soon as we finish off the box of 200 diapers that we bought the week she potty trained. At least you have an excuse for all 5 needing to use the same toilet! We're just too lazy to walk upstairs! HA!

  2. I feel like V is forcing me to do this whole potty training thing before I am ready too...ha. Yeah, I am not ready to do the every 20 minute thing, that will have to wait until I am off for the summer. The hand soap and toliet paper...YES I agree, pain in the butt! Good Luck!

    1. I feel you on the summer vacation idea. That's the way I did it with Tyler. Bailey, had different plans!

  3. The every 20 minutes was killing me at first too!! We have 5 people and one upstairs toilet. It's annoying! Thankfully Lily was pretty easy to train. I did keep her little potty seat in the livingroom for a long time!

    The washing the hands and the whole rolls of toilet paper...ack!!!

    1. We too have a portable potty decorating our living room. It just finishes off the lovely decor of random toys we already had going. ;0)

  4. I'm not looking forward to doing this again, but Lily is ready. She has been peeing on the potty for several months, but we haven't gotten serious about it yet. I said we would when the kids are done with school at the end of May!

    1. Best of luck with your potty training adventure!


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