Friday, April 19, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 4-20-2013

5.  My husband is a NASCAR geek. He was watching it last week and Bailey repeatedly told the cars "Bye car!!" and waved as they drove around, and around, and around, and around...

4.  Bailey has decided that all words need to end in a y. It's now a cuppy, hockey (sock), chipy, booky, helpy...

3.  Tyler woke up thirsty one night and came into our room to steal dad's drink. He told him that he wanted a cup of water in his room, which didn't happen. When he woke up in the morning, we heard him shout "Hey! I ordered water!"

2.  While walking into the mall a little girl smiled at Tyler. He explained "Mom, she smiled at me because we're going to get married!"

1.  On our way to practice Tyler was talking about a goose. I asked him what a goose was called when there is more than one. His response, "If you have more than one goose, you have ducks."


  1. Everything ending in Y is adorable! I love toddler talk.

  2. OMG these are hilarious! I love number 2. So cute.

  3. Thanks for making me laugh! The past few days have been tough! I love the bye car! How cute is that! And haha on the y- I so did that as a kid. My favorite was I used to say soday for soda. True story. Haha- if you have more than one goose, you have a duck. Have a good rest of the weekend!

    1. LOL! You and Bailey could be best of friends! I figure, she does it because a lot of words in her world naturally end in in y (or it's sound). Baby, paci, Bailey, pee, potty, Mommy, Daddy, etc.

  4. Marriage talk already...EEEK!

  5. Oh my goodness, #2 was so sweet!
    I love toddler speak. I say enjoy it for as long as you can!

    1. I love toddler talk! It's so sweet and innocent!


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