Sunday, September 1, 2013

Craft-Along Monday: Bubble Paint

I'm excited for today's first edition of Craft-Along Monday!! 
I chose a craft this weekend that I remember doing as a young girl in Girl Scouts, bubble painting. It was simple, fun, and inexpensive. I had less than $5 into the entire activity!


Bubbles-I got this giant bottle from the dollar store
Acrylic Paint- We used 2 different colors. They can be found at any craft store for around a dollar a bottle.
Something to protect your work area
Card stock or paper (I used white, but any color should work)

To Mix:
Mix 1/2 cup of bubble mix with 1/2 to 3/4 of a small (2 oz) bottle of paint.


This was my 2 year old's favorite part!

We used a straw to blow into the paint mix,
and placed a piece of paper on top of the paint bubbles.

 The Final Result:
Tyler's Masterpiece
Bailey's Masterpiece
The kids had a blast with this activity! Bailey had some difficulty remembering to blow into the straw and may or may not have drank a small amount of the bubble mixture. She had more fun putting the paper on the bubble paint and letting big brother take care of the rest.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with their masterpieces, but I have a few ideas!

If you have a project that you and your babies have completed recently, feel free to link it up, grab my button, and spread the word!


  1. Ok, so does it count that I picked a craft I want to do? lol ...maybe this month I'll actually get to making it! ;-) I want to try and recreate this wall art I saw on cute

    1. It's the thought that counts. And, I love it! I might have to add that one to my list. I'm not sure what I'm going to have them do for next weekend... :0)


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