Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Whoohoo! My First Award!

You know you've hit it big time in blogging when you receive your first blogger award. I'm finally hanging with the cool kids! ;0)

Which award did I receive? Well, for your viewing pleasure here it is:

My Story, God's Plan

I would like to thank Sarah, from over at My Story, God's Plan for recognizing my blog. She is a fabulous blogger and an amazing person. Sarah is the mother of 3 adorable children here on earth, and 2 precious angels. On her blog she writes stories about balancing her family, her faith, and the world around her. Definitely a must read!

Now, onto the award!

After receiving the nomination, the blogger must:
  • Acknowledge the nominating blogger;
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself;
  • Answer 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you;
  • List 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers (as best as you can tell based on the info provided!). They should be bloggers that you believe deserve some recognition and a little blogging love!
  • Post 11 questions for the bloggers that you nominated to answer; and
  • Let all of the bloggers know that they have been nominated.  You cannot nominate the blogger that nominated you.
11 Random Facts about me!
1.  I'm a total math geek. I took every math class possible in high school and continued that trend through college. I find solving problems more interesting than watching tv!
2.  If I could be a stay at home mom, I would have at least 12 kids. I love big families!
3.  I am obsessed with hair bows. I can't seem to buy enough or make enough of them. Now, if I could convince my toddler to keep them in her hair, that would be wonderful.
4.  I was actively involved in Girl Scouts throughout all of my schooling and I can't wait to start my own troop when Bailey get's old enough.
5.  I am a Michigan girl. I miss the mitten state like crazy, but I know that it just wasn't the place for my family.Maybe someday we'll be able to move back.
6.  My favorite animal is a turtle. They are so cute, and one day I plan on having another one for a pet.
7.  My dream vacation destination is Hawaii. Someday, maybe for our 30th wedding anniversary, we will make it there!
8.  Win or lose, I am a Detroit Tigers fan. I am patiently waiting for them to play in Atlanta again so we can go watch them!
9.  My husband dreams of living in the mountains of Colorado, I dream of living on the beach of the Atlantic Ocean and I'm not sure how we're going to make that work when we retire. It's a good thing we have 30+ years to continue this discussion!
10.  We are planning on selling our house in the next couple of years to buy a larger piece of property where we can have our own garden and the dogs have room to run.
11.  I don't know how to swim, not even dog paddle. Pathetic, I know.

11 Questions
1.  What's your favorite meal of the day?  Dinner, I love being able to sit down with our entire family and enjoy a meal together.
2.  What's your favorite fruit?  Watermelon, there's nothing more enjoyable then a fresh picked watermelon in the summer.
3.  When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher. I've wanted to be a teacher for as far back as I can remember.  But there were a few years when I wanted to be a pilot, a lawyer, and a veterinarian.
4.   What quality do you find most attractive in others? A sense of humor. People are no fun if they can't laugh at a joke.
5.  What's your favorite sport? Hands down, baseball!
6.  Gold or Silver? Silver. 
7.  What's your favorite candy?  Anything involving chocolate!
8.  What's your favorite online shopping website? but that's also pretty much the only website I buy through for now.
9.  What' your pet peeve? Noise, I can't stand noises when it's supposed to be quiet. It might be a good thing that the 12 kids I would love to have aren't going to happen!
10.  Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall?  Spring, I love the smell, the new flowers and pretty much everything about it! If we were still in MI though, it would be Summer.
11.  How many pairs of shoes do you have?  2 pairs of flip flops, 2 pairs of tennis shoes, and 1 pair of dress shoes so 5. But those are only the shoes that I wear. I know there are a few pairs of dress shoes that were purchased and worn for a special occasion at some point.

My nominees:
Feel free to participate if you wish, you won't hurt my feelings if you choose not too!

And for your 11 questions, answer the same 11 questions that I answered! :0)


  1. Thanks for passing the award onto me!!! :)

    I can't wait until my daughter is old enough for Girl Scouts too! I think they can be a Daisy at 5, right? I was a Brownie and Junior but unfortunately didn't continue. :(

    1. You're welcome! :0) And yes, Girl Scouts starts in Kindergarten. I'm counting down the days!

  2. Hi, Carrie! Welcome to Charlotte, NC! I hope you are learning to love it. I think it is a great city, but I've been a NC girl all my life. I think you will definitely like the Spring time here (Summer may be a different story with the heat, humidity, and bugs!). I am glad you found my blog, and I can't wait to follow along!

    1. We've been here for a few years now, and totally love the spring! I'm not a big fan of the ridiculously hot summers but I'll take them if it means I don't have to deal with crazy amounts of snow all winter long! Thanks for stopping by!! :0)

  3. :) Thank you!

    Your # of shoes is impressive. I am pretty sure that I have no real idea of how many pairs I own. My husband says I have a problem...even the boys have numerous pairs. lol

    I will try to get my info up tonight!

    1. LOL! I think I'm the one with the problem! Pretty sure I'm the only girl on the planet that doesn't own a closet full! :0)

  4. Thanks for linking up to this month's Share The Love Blog Hop at

    Now following you via GFC

    Natasha xx

  5. My husband is a HUGE Tigers fan. He is so excited for the game. Even more excited than he is for the Pirates (our hometown team) game tonight!


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