Friday, February 7, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 5

I can't believe I've made it 5 successful weeks with this project! Here's hoping I can keep it up for the rest of the year. As always, all pictures were taken with my Canon T3 and a kit lens.

January 31, 2014:  Little Miss went to work with Daddy today. He took pictures of her on his bulldozer (shhh!!) and this was her reaction to looking at the pictures on his phone!

 February 1, 2014:  Tyler has been in a don't take my picture mood this week, I made him pose for this one!

February 2, 2014:  Hanging out outside on a beautiful day with our Aunt Sandy and Uncle Bill who came to visit from Michigan! I love the color in this one!

February 3, 2014:  A day late, but working on a Groundhog's Day project.

 February 4, 2014:  Mommy's little helper, cleaning off the table after dinner! I wonder how long this phase will last...?

February 5, 2014:  Doing her 'homework' just like big brother!

 February 6, 2014:  Starting on boy blanket number 2 for baby Stickney 3.0.

It is getting increasingly difficult to get a picture of the little man. He either won't get out of his PJ's on the weekend, or is stuck doing homework all evening when we come home from school. Next week, my goal is to make sure I get a few extra pictures of him!

Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. Cute pics! I wish I could remember to take a pic everyday :)

    1. This has been a really fun project! I just hope I can continue to keep up with it...

  2. Beautiful photos. My youngest has been in the same mood lately. She frowns every time I try to take her photo recently!

    1. I don't like having my picture taken either, so I can't blame him! It just means I have to get a little more sneaky... ;0)

  3. Love Feb 1st photo! His eyes are beautiful! And the perspective on your last day is great as well!

    1. There is something about those deep brown eyes isn't there? All he has to do is bat those lashes and his wish is granted!

  4. My oldest goes through "don't take my picture" phases so much. I find the more I take of his little brother the more jealous he gets and wants his picture taken too - winning!

    1. Genius! Pure genius! Operation take more picture of the monster shall begin!!

  5. I love how she is doing her "homework" too, so cute. Homemade blankets are my fav, lucky that you have the patience and skill to do them yourself!!!

    1. I can only work on them for so long before I give up! It usually takes me a year to finish one, but I have motivation this time. ;0)


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