Thursday, February 13, 2014

Catch the Moment 365~Week 6

Last week I said my goal was to snag more pictures of my son who has been refusing to let me get a good shot of him, and I succeeded! Thank to an unexpected closure of daycare which led to Bailey spending the weekend 2 hours away at Grandma's house, and a super sized snowstorm I have plenty to share!

 February 7, 2014:  Night number 1 without little sister. I love how the glow from his Kindle lights up his face.

February 8, 2014:  With Bailey gone to Grandma's house and Tyler forced to stay home with me, I figured a mother/son date would ease his emotions a little. We went to The Lego Movie where they gave him this little figure, which caused a ton of drama throughout the day!

February 9, 2014:  Someone is looking super handsome with his new haircut!

February 10, 2014:  I had a late training which meant both kids were in bed by the time I got home. I snuck into Tyler's room and got this picture of him sleeping. Amazing how young they look when they sleep! He's not very thrilled with my taking a picture of him sucking his thumb, but I think it's adorable!

February 11, 2014:  Day 1 of snOMG! School let out 2 hours early which gave us plenty of time to get out and enjoy the snow! Even though we only had about an inch of snow, it was plenty to keep this little one happy.

February 12, 2014:  Day 2 of snOMG! Charlotte North Carolina was hit by a huge storm today and received several inches in just a few hours!!

February 13, 2014:  Day 3 of snOMG! I forced them together for just a moment, and I truly mean forced. HA!

The snow has provided a nice break for what was beginning to be a photography rut. I can't wait for Tyler's t-ball season to begin which will offer up many more opportunities!

Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. Happy Valentine's Day!

    Hooray for snow! We were disappointed to have mostly rain this week, so we actually drove up the canyon to the mountains to play in the snow. I love the picture of your daughter playing in the snow. So fun!

    I can't wait to take my boys to see the Lego Movie. I just know they are going to love it!
    That picture of your son sleeping is so sweet.

    1. The snow here was awesome, the kids had so much fun! He is sooooo mad at me for posting that one! HA!

  2. Great photos this week!! :)

  3. These are so cute. Love the Lego guy. The movie was great.

  4. Sports definitely give you lots to take pictures of! My only problem is now that my kids are in track, I have to resist posting pictures of them doing their drills each and every Monday and Wednesday. Gotta still keep creative... LOL... :)

    Have fun in your snow! I'm slightly jealous!

    1. I'm sure I'll be in the same situation when it does begin! I'll probably be complaining about only being able to take pictures of his baseball games for a few weeks lol! Our snow didn't last nearly long enough, but we definitely enjoyed it while we had it!

  5. Love those happy faces in the snow!

    1. I can't help but smile when I look back at the pictures! So special for them! :0)

  6. Cuties! Her owl hat is adorable! We want to go see the Lego movie too!

    1. Thank you! It's way too small this year, but she won't give it up!


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