Friday, February 6, 2015

Week 5 ~ Catch the Moment

This has been such a long week! Our school held it's annual Literacy Night Tuesday night. It was a fun and educational night but I'm still trying to recoup from it! Hunter also had his 9 month check-up on Monday which went great!

January 29:  There is something special about the toothless grins of 2nd graders. His dad wants to take him for a hair cut this weekend, but I'm loving the long haired shaggy look!

January 30:  This week's inspiration was self. Thank goodness it was an easy one! After a long 13 hour day at school, I was at a loss for a picture. A mirror selfie picture it was!

January 31:  Whenever there is an empty box in the house, a 3 year old little girl ends up inside.

February 1:  This isn't the best angle of him loving on his Mickey Mouse, but this little dude is WAY too fast now! It didn't matter where I sat on the floor, he would turn in the other direction and take off before I could catch the shot! At least it shows off his pretty eyes.

February 2:  Yet another inspiration picture, this one taken by hubs. That makes 3 pictures in the first 33 days that I've made it into, yay!

February 3:  I was out of ideas tonight and happened to find Hunter's pacifier sitting on the changing table. It's only a matter of time before these disappear from our life forever.

February 4:  Bailey has her own special style!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Feel free to link up your 365 day project below! 


  1. Replies
    1. I'm not looking forward to those teeth growing back in. That toothless smile is so adorable!


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