Thursday, February 26, 2015

Week 8 ~ Catch the Moment

We've had yet another week filled with extra family time and snuggles due to unusual temperatures and snowfall! I've enjoyed spending extra time with my kids at home but really need to get back into our regular routine. One of the other added benefits to being at home all day, extra time to edit pictures and get my blog post up on time!

This week's inspiration was family. I have struggled the last few weeks to add in a picture for the inspiration. I took a couple this week that I was going to use, but ended up using our snow pictures instead. I'll try harder next week, I promise!

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

February 19:  Hunter loves taking his toys out of his 'toy box' and tossing them on the floor. I put them back in and he repeats the process!

February 20:  I promise, he does have real clothes! And I also promise these are not the same pj's that he had on yesterday. Loading and unloading the dishwasher has never been more fun than it is with my extra special helper.

February 21:  Bailey fell asleep on the couch tonight with her feet crossed so sweetly. I had to capture her little piggies while they are still cute.

February 22:  I took this stud in for his 9 month pictures today. I am so in love with this plaid shirt! This was picture number 1,398, 702 for the day and I'm pretty sure this expression says it all!

February 23:  This week seems to be all about Hunter. He's such a fun one to take pictures of with his ever present smile and pretty blue eyes. Plus he's the only one that doesn't complain.

February 24:  Snow round 1 for the week. We didn't get enough today to even cover the grass but the kids had a blast playing in it. They are calling for 7 to 10 more inches tomorrow night! This northern girl living in a southern world is super excited about this forecast!

February 25:  It started snowing again late tonight. Zoe looks less than impressed with the current weather.

Our weather forecasters were WAY off on our total snowfall for the week. We ended up only getting a few more inches which melted away quickly. On the upside, it's supposed to be back up into the 50's in a few days!

If you would like to start your own 365 day project, feel free to join our group!


  1. What a great set of pics! I love the dishwasher one and the face palm one so much!! Your doggy's expression is priceless too. :)

    1. Thank you! He never seems to take a bad picture!

  2. The second picture of Hunter...beautiful!!! I swear, Liam is wearing a sleeper in most pictures I take of him at home. Oops!

    1. Haha! Well, at least I'm not alone on this one!

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