Friday, March 6, 2015

Week 9 ~ Catch the Moment

We went from unseasonably low temps with snowfall to unseasonably high temps practically overnight this week! I thought Michigan weather was crazy, but it's nothing compared to the twists that Mother Nature throws at North Carolina!

It's been a crazy few weeks for us and I'm hoping things are starting to get back to normal. After being out of school for almost 2 full weeks, I am ready to get back into our regular routine. Baseball for the big guy and t-ball for the little girl will be starting soon and spring break is just around the corner. This year is already flying by! 

February 26:  Another fun day of playing in the snow. The snow this round was great for packing and snowman building! 

February 27:  I managed 2 get 2 pictures of Tyler in this week! Sometimes I really impress myself. ;0)

February 28:  This little one is obsessed with our slider. I have a feeling he's going to love being outside this summer! He loves to watch the dog play and the birds fly in and out of our yard.

March 1:  Messy babies are always adorable! I'm pretty sure he didn't actually manage to eat any of it.

March 2:  This is our key rack.  It represents the craziness of our lives. Keys, leashes, and coats all jumbled together.

March 3:  Not much was happening today and I've been lacking inspiration the last few days. Here's my little lefty eating her before bed snack.

March 4:  After starting our week with snow, we finished with a 70 degree and sunny day! This one is a little blurry but I love that she's using them backwards!


  1. Cute pictures! I hope you're enjoying the warmer weather!


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