Tuesday, March 17, 2015

10 Months ~ Hunter

It's crazy to think that in just a few weeks you'll be a year old already! I can't believe how fast time has flown by. My sweet little snuggly baby is disappearing and you are rapidly turning into a spunky little toddler. It's bittersweet. I'm excited to continue watching your personality develop and change, but I sure am missing the little baby grins and giggles!

Sleep:  We're taking this one night by night. Some nights you do great and will sleep for 10 hours and only get up once or twice, other nights you are up every hour or two. I'm pretty sure your teeth are to blame most of the time. That and you just like to snuggle with mom and dad.

Likes:  You have a renewed love for peek-a-boo especially now that you can be an equal participant. You have become very attached to the blanket that Aunt Lou Jean got you for Christmas and won't sleep unless it's up against your face.

Favorite Toys:  You love anything that involves balls right now! You'll toss and chase them for hours on end!

Dislikes:  You absolutely hate when your big brother and sister leave you in the dust. When they go upstairs and leave you at the gate, you squeal and complain until one of them comes back down to play. You insist on putting everything in your mouth that you find on the floor and protest when we try to remove whatever treasure you've found. Sitting still and snuggling are no longer on your priortiy list, and you get pretty mad at me for even trying. Diaper changes, getting dressed, and being told no also top the list.

Eating:  You love applesauce, blueberries, crackers, and Gerber puffs! You pretty much spend your entire day eating and will nurse for a few minutes on and off through the day.

Milestones:  This month you've started standing unsupported for a few seconds at a time. You're trying to stand up in the middle of the room on your own and have a few times but only for a brief moment. You have also mastered putting the balls into several of your toys to make them light up, spin, and move.

Tooth Count:  Holding strong at 2.

Word/Sounds:  You babble nonstop, but the only recognizable words are still mum and dada.

Firsts:  You got to enjoy your first snowfall this month! Big brother and big sister took you sledding down the street. Ok, more like they pulled you in a sled down the sidewalk, but it counts right?

Love you to the moon and back sweet boy!


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