Saturday, July 9, 2016

Potty Training Round 3: Day 2

When I woke up this morning I made sure my expectations were pretty low. Being only our 2nd day of potty training I expected we'd have tons of accidents and maybe a little bit of progress especially after how our first day had gone. I also decided to bypass the underwear and continue training him naked. 

The day started out on a positive note though, he woke up dry after sleeping for 10 hours straight. Because he hadn't had much success the day before, we chose to put him to bed in a diaper. Our morning continued to go well! Hunter woke up around 7:00 and used the potty when asked and even asked to go several times! He had his first accident around 10:30 and then another around 11:00. The rest of the day was uneventful. I asked him about every half hour if he needed to go and he frequently asked to go potty on his own in between.

After lunch Hunter went outside to feed our dog Zoe. While he was feeding her I could see the wheels turning in his head. He then attempted to water the grass with a well aimed stream. It must be an instinct in our boys to go when they are outside. He hasn't ever seen his father or his brother do it but just seemed to know what to do anyway!

After nap time which he woke up dry from, I decided to brave it and let him try wearing underwear. He was excited to wear them yet again! They also made it so he could go outside to play with his brother and sister and to help daddy do some yard work. He continued to do well throughout the rest of the evening. Even though he did so well during the day, we again chose to put him in a diaper at night. I'll probably wait a few more days before braving the night in underwear for the first time.

Heidi the puppy is also doing well with her potty training! She also made it through the day with only two accidents in the house! We're making progress all the way around!

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