Thursday, July 7, 2016

Potty Training Round 3: Preperation

As much as I hate to see my baby grow up, it's time to ditch the diapers and start potty training. He turned 2 in late April and has been showing signs that he's ready for quite some time. He's been dry through naps and night time for several months, pees on the potty when we wants, and will even pee on us on purpose when we're changing his diaper. <---- That one has been a real joy. ;-)

To get us ready for this adventure, we went on a shopping spree at Target tonight. Hunter was able to pick out two packs of underwear of his choice. He was a little overwhelmed by the choices at first, but finally settled on Thomas the Train and Nemo. We actually went with the intention of only getting one package but those big blues eyes convinced me to let him get two.  

I mean, he was pretty proud, and who could tell this face no!?!

After the underwear were picked out, we moved on to potty seats. Since he already knows what the big toilet is for and has been using it on occasion, I figured we'd skip the stand alone chair and just go with one that sits atop the toilet. Of course, he HAD to have the Paw Patrol seat. We used this same brand and style with our other two kids and had good luck with them, so I went with it. I wanted one that had a decent sized splash guard because well he is a boy, as well as one that he was excited about using. Plus it's made in the USA and was relatively inexpensive, a win all the way around!

With supplies in hand we headed home for the night. I also recommend some sort of reward, M&M's, skittles, something small and yummy that they would find special. Our plan is to stay home for several days and work on potty training. Since he's already off to a great start, I plan to start the morning out with him just wearing underwear, but we'll see how it goes! For now, I'm going to continue to try to hold back my tears as I watch my baby boy grow up way too fast. :'( 

1 comment:

  1. I would love to fuck and cum hard inside hunter's thomas and nemo underwear and also his ass!! comment or email me a reply


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