Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

 We started out our Easter weekend with coloring eggs Saturday night. Tyler is of course an old pro at this.

Bailey is finally old enough to join in the fun. She wasn't sure what to do at first... 

...but she got the hang of it rather quickly!

Easter morning, the kids got up early to search for their Easter baskets. Bailey found her basket much quicker then we thought she would!

Tyler's was a little harder, but he was still successful!

I love that they had to share what they got with each other. It's so fun to see them starting to play and interact more now!

 Grandma, Papa and Uncle Curt came over later for an egg hunt, dinner, and a puzzle.

 We are right in the middle of round 2 of potty training since it's Spring Break. Bailey is starting to get the hang of it, but didn't get to wear her beautiful Easter dress because she's still having accidents (although today it was only 1!) But I wanted to show it off anyway, along with her adorable bloom by Hair Blooms By Kristen. 

Hopefully by the end of the week we'll be done potty training (wishful thinking?) and I'll get to take some spring pictures with her in it!

Happy Easter!!


  1. Best of luck with the potty training! Great pictures, happy Easter!!!!!

  2. LOVE Tyler's serious face in the egg dying pictures! Such focus! Oh and that dress! Good luck on potty training!

  3. Potty traning- yah!!! Love all the pictures. Hope you guys had a great Easter!!


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