Friday, March 22, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 3-23-2013

5.  Bailey loves to play chase, especially around the dinning room table. But, she's a fast little stinker. So the only way to catch her is to stop mid-run, turn around, and go the other way. The other day I was doing just that when she stopped mid-run and went the other way. And now my game is ruined.!

4.  Tyler decided he wanted pizza rolls for dinner tonight. Fine by me, no cooking neccessary (other than a few seconds in the micro of course). While doing dishes, I hear, 'Hey, you stole that!' and turned around to find her crawling across the table happily holding one of Ty's rolls.

3.  Bailey thinks the baby at daycare is her very own living baby doll. Enough said.

2.  On the first day of t-ball coach told Tyler to go get a bat and helmet. Instead of going to the dugout like everyone else, he ran off the field and over to the playground (which was only a few feet away) to find me and desperately request for a helmet and bat. Only my boy...

1.  Brandon was tucking Bailey in while I tucked Tyler in Wednesday. He told her he loved her and she said 'wuv too!' for the first time (I heard it too, so I know he wasn't telling stories). I went in and told her I loved her, her reply, 'Bye!'

Have a good weekend!


  1. No Wuv you for you?! Breaks a Mommy heart to pieces but also makes a great laugh :)

    1. I'm so used to not being loved by her that it didn't even phase me! She hasn't liked me since she was 3 months old and I dropped her off at daycare for the first time!

  2. #1 is cute and funny!
    Lily has mastered the chase game...she's a fast little thing!

  3. haha- she figured your game out! Too funny! Haha- I love that she stole the rolls. He must have been mad!! LOL On #3!! Aw- wuv you! Melts my heart! Best words ever!

    1. It's a good thing he loves her, or she probably would have been in a bit of trouble!

  4. No 'wuv' for me. On a happy note, she no longer will tell dad she 'wuvs' him either! :0)


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