Friday, March 1, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 3-1-2013

I've been slacking a little this month, oops. It seems like every week we've had someone down and out with something which has kept me busy! Two weeks ago Bailey got hit by a stomach virus. Last weekend it was me, and this weekend both of the kids are sick. I sprayed the house down today and will air it out as soon as the temperatures come up a little bit. Spring needs to arrive, and soon!

5.  Bailey played catch with me yesterday. She would throw the ball, forget to let go on time, and hit herself in the face with the ball. Then laugh and repeat.

4.  Tyler got a dart gun for Christmas. Bailey has confiscated it. She'll fill it up with 'bullets,' hand it to either Brandon or myself and then run and hide in a corner with her eyes covered.

3.  My husband will deny it until the end, but he's OCD. He is beginning to push his OCD ways on my daughter which drives me nuts! She now spends 5 minutes every night making sure each blanket, doll, stuffed animal, and pacifier are in the exact spot she wants them.

2.  Bailey has a couple of lovey blankets that I sewed for her when she was little(r). She always lays out the pink blanket to put her head on when she is getting her bed organized. One night, I snuck in and layed out the brown blanket before she came upstairs. She got everything else ready then turned to find the wrong blanket in her spot. She wasn't a happy camper. :)

1.  Bailey has had a runny nose the last couple of days. She was laying on my shoulder today giving me a hug  and I asked her if she wanted to give Tyler a hug. She said 'yup' and turned to give him one. He screamed and ran away because 'I don't want a snotty hug!'


  1. I am a slacker too! Your kids are just too cute!

    1. At least you have an excuse! I'm just lazy! I hope you are doing well!

  2. Oh the stomach virus. That went around here too. I hope you guys are all feeling better now! Haha I love that B laughed when the ball hit her in the face-lol!! Oh my goodness, I am slightly OCD and Z has some of my attributes. I can so relate to that laugh! Haha- I dont want a snotty nose! Too cute!


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