Tuesday, July 30, 2013

There Goes My Wisdom

It's time, much to my dismay. My dentist has been bugging me for almost 2 years and I am finally going to listen and get my wisdom removed. And I'm not happy! There is nothing that I dislike more than a trip to the dentist. I am frightened of them, each and every one. Even mine. I mean, he's a nice guy and all, but he's a dentist. Something about his occupation screams discomfort, pain, and an empty wallet.

When I walk into that office I revert back into a child. They practically have to drag me back into the exam room kicking and screaming. And now, I have to get my last 2 wisdom teeth removed. Tomorrow. Did I just say tomorrow? HELLLLLP MEEE!

So if I seem a little less intelligent in my future posts (if that's even possible!), please forgive me as I will no longer have any wisdom.

Please tell me I'm not the only one with a fear of the dentist....


  1. Good luck! The dentist's office is my most dreaded place too. I hate the needle in my gum more than anything in the world. I'm starting to get a little more used to it because I've had to get so much work done lately, but it's still really awful. However, the relief when you're done is huge!

    1. Phew! Thanks for making me feel a little bit better!

  2. Oh, I'm afraid of the dentist, too. Which is why I haven't been back in years!!! I hope it went well!

    1. I managed to escape the dentist office for over 10 years. And since I've started going back, my fear has been completely revived!


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