Friday, July 19, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 7-20-2013

Phew this week went by fast! We got back home from our 2 week vacation to Michigan late Sunday night. I began re-potty training little miss first thing Monday morning and the week has surprisingly gone well! I am almost brave enough to take her out of the house now too! (almost)

5.  I have been doing my usual summer cleaning around the house and spent one afternoon trying on a bunch of clothes that I still had packed in boxes from our move *coughs 6* years ago. With each clothing change, Bailey would enthusiastically say "Cute Mommy!" no matter how ugly it was. Talk about a confidence booster!

4.  With each week, comes a new phrase for our oh so talkative toddler. This week's phrase "Ki-it down!" which is Bailey speak for 'quiet down!' Suddenly, every time Tyler speaks we hear 'ki-it down Tyler'. And then I hide my face as I giggle at her naughty-ness!

3.  I gave the kids corn-dogs for lunch cause I'm a cool mom. The first thing Tyler says is "I'm going to make mine naked!"

2.  We took the kids to the zoo on one of our last days up north. They have a Macaw that has learned some phrases. Tyler heard him say "Hello" and immediately had to call dad to tell him about the talking bird!

1.  We stayed an extra day in Michigan so I could go to a birthday party for my cousin and to see the local fireworks. While waiting for them to start Bailey looked up at the crescent shaped moon and said "It's bo-ten. Moon bo-ten!" in her super concerned voice. So then my aunt chimes in and asks her "Does Daddy need to fix it?" Needless to say, for the rest of the evening we heard "Moon boten, Daddy fix it!!"

Have a great weekend!


  1. Aww, that is so sweet that she was complimenting you!

    Hahahahah, naked corn dogs. That is priceless.

    1. Someone's gotta boost this Mama's self esteem! :0)

  2. I am late in commenting because I was at Blogher! Sorry:(!!! I would never miss reading yours though! My favorite!! I love that she says cute mommy even if you didnt like it!! So precious! Talking bird- how neat is that!!! I am going to make mine naked! He is adorable! LOVE LOVE!!! I can't wait to get back to posting mine this week! Wicked cute!


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