Friday, July 12, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 7-13-2013

5.  Bailey may be a monster, but she's polite. every time we hand her something she always responds with "Tank you Mommy!" or "Tank you Daddy!"

4.  Bailey was sitting on top of Brandon and I heard him squeal. I looked over to find her putting her finger in her mouth and then putting it in Brandon's ear! I think she's spent too much time with her Uncle Curt!

3.  I took Tyler to JoAnn Fabrics. As we were wondering around, I kept hearing "Mom do we have to go down EVERY aisle?!?"

2.  One of Bailey's favorite activities when riding in the car is to throw her paci on the floor and scream because she wants it back. After about the 100th time of playing this game during our 13 hour drive to Michigan, she throws it down, points to it, and says "bummer Mommy."

1.  Tyler LOVES his sister and is excited to see her learn and grow. Some days he pays more attention to her than others. We will occasionally hear from him "Hey Mom, Bailey just said _____! She has a new word!" Even if it's a word she's been saying for months!


  1. I think #2 is my favourite! So cute :) But I also hope you told your son that, yes, you had to go down EVERY aisle - LOL.

    Best - Louise

    1. We totally went down every aisle! This crafty Mommy doesn't want to miss a thing! :0) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I LOL'd at the "Bummer mommy" moment! LOVE IT!

  3. Hahah, I can tell these two have a great sense of humor already! And are too smart for their own good!!

    1. Too smart indeed! I think Bailey is going to give her teacher's (in a few years of course) a run for their money!!

  4. Haha so cute! I love tank you mommy- tank you daddy! So adorable!!! Haha- Jo Ann Fabrics- you need to go down every aisle, right! THey are so cute!


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