Thursday, January 16, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 2!

I am eagerly waiting for nicer weather and daylight to last longer so I can get these kiddos outside for some better pictures! Our house has very few (and ineffective) light sources. I have enjoyed playing around more in the manual modes this week and have even learned a few new things! I hope you enjoy these few moments that I captured of my kiddos this week. :0)

Nurse Loves Farmer

January 10, 2014 A day in the life of Bailey. She was such a grump this night!

January 11, 2014:  Looking out the slider at our boxer. Underneath the table seems to be a favorite hiding spot!

January 12, 2014:  Bailey's favorite job, well that and taking out the trash. She's a good little helper!

January 13, 2014:  Tyler helping Daddy make salads for dinner, a family favorite.

January 14, 2014:  I was trying to get a good shot of the kids and Dad looking through the telescope, but the kids wouldn't stand still and they kept coming out blurry. This was the best one! I'm sure they'll get it back out and I'll try it again!

January 15, 2014:  Bailey's favorite snack, an orange. She loves peeling them.

 January 16, 2014:  Tyler's new army men. He loves playing with them at bath time.

I discovered this week that there is a way to change what type of lighting you are shooting in, who knew!?! After flipping my setting to the correct one, I've noticed a big difference in the coloring of my pictures especially the pictures I took of the kids in the white bathtub this week!

The munchkins are headed to Grandma's house for the extra long weekend, which means I'm going to have to find something to take pictures of other than them for a few days. A welcome challenge!


  1. Ok I kinda adore the crying photo!

    1. Just a day in the life of Bailey! She was a complete grouch that night. :0)

  2. Awww.... why was your baby crying?

    Looks like you are learning the camera well. If only I could make myself be that brave, LOL!

    1. I don't remember why! She was in one of those moods.

  3. I love the pushing the dishwasher buttons! Such a cute look of concentration, I see my son get that same look sometimes!

    1. It's her favorite job! She even showed Grandma how it works!

  4. Such great photos! I especially love the dishwasher one, my son is also a huge fan of pushing those buttons.

  5. Figuring out WB was a big turning point for me! Looking great!

    1. It has made such a difference! Funny how something so simple can go unnoticed for so long! I've been using a DSLR for 10 years!

  6. I love the last picture. It's quite cool looking.

  7. I love the crying picture, purely because I know how you feel, J has been in a terrible grump all week this week it seems!

    1. This is pretty much her all the time. She's so independent and yet isn't quite big enough to accomplish everything she wants to resulting in many tantrums each day!

  8. I know what you mean about the crappy light inside this time of year. It's still dark when we leave in the morning and the majority of the light is gone by the time we get home. Can't wait for DST! My boys also have to take a toy to the bath every time!

    1. Exactly!! Working 6:00 am to 5:00 pm pretty much ruins all your chances with daylight photos! Something to look forward to as Spring rolls in!

  9. I absolutely love that first pic! They aren't always so happy and cute are they!? hehehe

  10. I'm impressed by her orange peeling skills!

    Hope you had a great kiddo free weekend!

    1. LOL, it's true talent! It's been so quiet around here, but very relaxing!

  11. Oh the moods! I know them well! Is your boxer a boxer dog? I have two boxers and being a huge dork finding other boxer lovers makes me happy! :)

    1. Yes she is! She is mixed with something but no one knows what. Such a great dog with a fun personality! I just wish she didn't shed so much so she could hang inside with us. It's allergy central around here with all of the dog hair. :0(

  12. My daughter has fallen in love with oranges lately. Great photos!

    1. I figure it could be worse. She could be into potato chips. ;0)

  13. Great shots! The first one is my girls every day, hahah.

  14. Love that army men photo :) And great light in the one under the table!

    1. I think the army men picture is my favorite so far!


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