Saturday, January 11, 2014

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 1-11-2014

This first week back to school has been interesting to say the least! We like most of the country, got hit with some unusually cold weather causing us to have a 2 hour delay on Tuesday and Wednesday. The delay was only for the students which meant that I was there at normal time, but I sure appreciated the extra time in the classroom!

As always, I'm linking up with Melissa over at The Mommyhood Chronicles for this week's laughs!

dentistmelsbbutton 1 Saturday Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  Bailey has been a little chatter box. She is constantly making us laugh with her stories and new phrases. Her little mind thinks so fast that she often has to stop mid sentence and start over to get it just right.

4.  A few weeks ago I mentioned Bailey's new obsession with getting her boogies out. This week, she figured out how to dig them out and wipe them on Daddy's leg. SO FUNNY!!! And Mommy didn't help with this one at all. <-----There is absolutely no sarcasm in that statement at all.

3.  Brandon came home with a can of cashews last week. Tyler was so excited to see them that he exclaimed, "Yay cashews! I love cashews, don't I?"

2.  I have this picture as the screen saver on my computer:

Every time it comes up Bailey happily squeals "It me! I go like dis." and crosses her arms. Funny how she thinks it's funny that she's giving us attitude in this picture!

1.  Tyler can be so random! He came downstairs the other night and announces "I know why I kick my blankets off at night. It's because my pillow is hot and I need a chillo." NO more infomercials for this one! :0)

Have a great weekend!!


  1. I love it! Bailey and Zane sound so much alike! I love cashews- don't I! So funny!! That picture is priceless. She is going to laugh at it one day! Love these laughs! xoxo

    1. She's such a stinker! I'm sure her and Zane would be in a ton of trouble together!

  2. I love this! Bailey and Tyler are so funny, I love the cashews one.

    1. I must admit, I almost choked on the mouthful of cashews that I had at the moment!


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