Thursday, January 30, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 4

This week started off pretty boring with not much to photograph. The kids refused to get out of their pj's over the weekend and spent most of it on the couch. No arguments there though! Things turned around a bit when we got hit by 'the big snowstorm!' Amazing what an inch of snow does to a southern 6 year old and 2 year old! 
Nurse Loves Farmer

January 24, 2014:  Tyler's new favorite toy. He snagged it out of one of my Kindergarten team members' treasure box.

January 25, 2014:  The kids' favorite kind of meal, a living room dinner of pizza and a movie.

January 26, 2014:  Bubble baths are where it's at!

January 27, 2014:  Little one came home not feeling so swell. She crashed at 7:00!

January 28, 2014:  We finally got some snow!! It didn't arrive until later in the evening, but the kids didn't mind it being dark out!

January 29, 2014:  Day 2 of snow day fun! All she really wanted to do was walk around in it!

January 30, 2014:  Bath time with the little girl. Please excuse the horrible beard shadow, I couldn't get the lighting right to not use the flash. But I love her expression in this one!


  1. Fantastic angles of your angels <3

    1. Thank you! This project seems to get more challenging as it goes! :0)

  2. Fun shots this week. Glad you got to enjoy some snow!

    1. Oh so much fun, I just wish it would have stayed for just a little longer or had given us another inch or two!

  3. Love your angles and close up shots!

  4. What a great collection of shots - a good reminder that whole bodies are often not needed for pictures!

    The bubble one is my favorite!

    1. Thank you! She was being a stinker and wouldn't give me a good look/smile so I went with what I could!

  5. Super cool shots in the snow and bath, good job :)

    1. Thank you! You should totally hop on this project!


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