Thursday, April 3, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 12

March 21, 2014:  I love that her hair is long enough to put into pigtails now! So cute!

March 22, 2014:  Baby #3's ultrasound pictures!

March 23, 2014:  Bailey was waiting all morning for Daddy to come home from work. I LOVE this picture!

March 24, 2014:  Last minute photo for the night. He can be such a stinker sometimes!

March 25, 2014:  Preparing for our new arrival. Baby books can now be checked off of my list!

March 26, 2014:  This week's inspiration was Spring. It is slowly but surly arriving to our area.

March 27, 2014:  Both children have been obsessed with Lucky Charm cereal lately! Bailey has gotten pretty good at eating it with a spoon. And at eating only the marshmallows...


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