Friday, April 18, 2014

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 4-19-2014

We're still playing the waiting game around here. This baby needs to make their first appearance sooner rather than later but it appears to be as stubborn as the last two. In the mean time, I have enjoyed being able to stay home and relax for Spring Break. I can make it through one more week of school, right?

dentistmelsbbutton1 Saturday Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  Bailey's baby obsession has continued. This week I dug out some of our baby gear to get it cleaned up and ready for the new baby. They are now Bailey's favorite toys. Her puppy is sleeping in the bouncer and her baby doll is down for the night in the bassinet. Baby also traveled to the store earlier today in our infant car seat.

4.  Miss independent must do everything herself including brushing her teeth. I told her that she had to let Mommy go back over them when she finished to make sure they were nice and clean. I asked her to smile so I could get to her front teeth because "they are the money makers" and she quickly responded with "I don't have money in my mouth!"

3.  Tyler is into the 'whatever I can do to make my sister mad at me I'm going to do' stage. It's been fun. She picks something up, he says it's his. She says she wants a snack, he runs to get to the snacks first. She needs the bathroom, so does he. Continue this for the entire day and well....

2.  Tyler hates getting his picture taken. If you follow my 365 day project I'm sure you'll notice that there are not very many pictures of Tyler. He asked to look at the slide show of the project so far one afternoon and realized this. Now, everyday I hear "Take my picture mom! You have hundreds of pictures of Bailey!" Dreams do come true!

1.  Bailey has randomly started calling Brandon Miss Daddy. It's the funnies thing ever! No matter what he does she won't stop! And to make it worse, Tyler will repeat it to rub it in just a little bit more. Meanwhile, I'm doing everything I can to not show my hysterical laughter!!

Have a great weekend!


  1. So cute! I am going to set up baby stuff soon and I can see a lot of other uses by the kids for it, lol! He seriously is so handsome! I am so excited for you! I love that our kids will be 10 weeks apart! You will have even more laughs! LOVE it! xo

  2. Oh my, Tyler sounds like my oldest son! He doesn't like his photo taken, he does things to bug his siblings and get them mad....argh!


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