Saturday, April 26, 2014

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 4-26-2014

It's been a busy week as usual. Between regular weekly activities/responsibilities, Easter, and prepping my room for my long-term sub to begin I'm beyond exhausted. But as usual, the kids were full of the sillies this week and provided us with a few giggles. :0)

dentistmelsbbutton2 Saturdays Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  Bailey loves her "real" baby. She is constantly rubbing, kissing, and talking to my belly. So sweet!

4.  A few weeks ago Bailey came home from daycare with a pink rubber duck. She got one and her friend Gabby had a matching duck. B quickly became attached and slept with it every night, until she lost it. After a few nights of crying herself to sleep I asked daycare if they remembered where they got it. She dug out the matching duck out of the toy box and Bailey squealed with joy as she "must have left it at daycare." No one tell her any different!

3.  Anytime Tyler does something to make Bailey mad she promptly asks if he "needs a whooping".

2.  Tyler checked out the Easter baskets Sunday morning and was impressed with the amount of 'sneakers' (aka- Snicker) they had in them.

1.  Before the kids went to bed Saturday evening we set out our Easter baskets in front of the fireplace so the bunny could fill and hide them. Sunday morning when B came downstairs she noticed they were gone immediately. She then said that Santa was naughty and took our baskets. Wrong holiday kiddo...


  1. Bailey is so sweet!
    The sneakers one made me laugh. So cute!

  2. First off, I am SO SO SO excited for you!!!! Welcome Baby Hunter! I bet they love kissing the baby now, rather than the belly LOL! I love that he says you need a whopping. Such sweeties!


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