Sunday, April 13, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 14

April 4, 2014

April 5, 2014:  Grandma and Papa came to watch Tyler play in his first t-ball game of the season. We also celebrated Grandma's birthday with a surprise cake that the kids helped to make.

April 6, 2014:  Our stroller and car seat finally came! Daddy couldn't put it together without at least a little bit of help!

April 7, 2014:  Work was cancelled due to rain so Brandon and Bailey had a daddy/daughter day. I guess he tired her out since this is what I came home to.

April 8, 2014:  Bailey's baby doll has been enjoying strolls around the house in our new car seat/stroller combo!

April 9, 2014:  A day of celebrating! My fantastic team of Kindergarten teacher's and I went out to dinner to celebrate our upcoming arrival! Katie decided that since she couldn't buy a gender correct balloon that she would just go ahead and buy both. ;0)

April 10, 2014:  Her days in this crib are numbered. My  baby is growing up!

Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. Looks like you guys had a busy weeK! Love the test driving doll and the "correct" balloons LOL

    1. Busy indeed! The stroller is 2 year old tested and approved!


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