Thursday, July 31, 2014

3 Months ~ Hunter

I swear you're getting bigger and learning new things every day! You are always grinning now, and will even squeal to get attention. Each smile melts my heart just a little bit more. We still have a few weeks left before I have to go back to work, but the thought of leaving you makes me cry.

Sleep:  You continue to be a wonderful sleeper. Your bedtime has become more consistent and you even tell us when it's time. You go to bed around 7:30 or 8:00 and will fall asleep on your own now with a paci. You still get up around 5am to nurse and then go back down until 7 or 8. Daddy says you're super noisy at night but I think he's telling stories! You are sleeping in your Rock n' Play sleeper right next to Mommy.

Likes:  You love to be talked too, to sit up on someone's lap, and to stand. You continue to be a very social little guy and will hold conversations with anyone that is willing to listen. You love to chew and suck on your fingers and lovey blankets. Walks outside continue to be a favorite and as we learned this month you were born to be a camper!

Dislikes:  You don't like to have your clothes changed, to be cold, or when your big sister puts her face in your face.

Eating:  You are still nursing every 2 to 3 hours throughout the day. You have your own special cry that lets me know when you are hungry. I can hear you say 'mum' in your hunger cry but Daddy says I'm crazy.

Milestones:  This month you have learned how to hold a conversation back and forth, to laugh, to support your body weight for a few minutes while standing, and to hold your own head up. You have also found your hands (which you think are pretty cool), have become quite ticklish, and can squeal and kick with delight. You are beginning to track things and will sometimes turn your head when you hear Daddy or I talking.

Tooth Count:  None, but you have definitely started to teeth!

Words/Sounds:  You have increased the amount of cooing you do. Vowel sounds are still a favorite, mostly Ohhh's and Ahhhh's. You will through in the /g/ sound before some vowels (gaaahh). Your new favorite trick is to make raspberries. 

Clothes:  You are officially out of 0 to 3 month clothes and are wearing 3 to 6 month.

Firsts:  You celebrated your first 4th of July at Grandma and Papa's house in SC, saw your first fireworks, and spent the night at Grandma's house for the first time! You also went on your first vacation this month! We met Uncle Jamie, Aunt Lou Jean, Austin, Hayden, Abby, and Hayleigh in Kentucky at Mammoth Caves. We took a tour of the caves and spent a long weekend camping. You loved being outside and playing with the kids. 

Happy 3 Months little one!

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