Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hunter ~ 2 Months

You've grown so much over the last month, I just can't believe how big you have gotten! You are still the sweetest, happiest baby around. You only cry when you need or want something which is usually because you are hungry or want to snuggle. You'll flash anyone that talks to you a smile but save the giant grins for Mommy, such a Mommy's boy!
Giving Daddy some of those treasured smiles!
Stats:  You are 12 pounds 15 ounces, our chubbiest baby by far! You doctor was absolutely loving your leg rolls at your 2 month appointment.
Snoozing while Mommy finishes changing your diaper.
Sleep:  You typically go to bed around 9:00 and will sleep straight through until around 5:00, eat, and then go back to sleep until 11. Your naps are still very inconsistent, you pretty much fall asleep on your own time. Your a sleepy baby compared to what your brother and sister were!

Likes:  You love to be snuggled on Mommy's shoulder and also enjoy going for walks outside and rides in your swing. You are very social and enjoy talking to most anyone!

Eating:  You still nurse every 2 to 3 hours during the day with an occasional 4 hour stretch and will cluster feed closer to bed time.

Milestones:  You are beginning to coo, will occasionally turn your head toward a noise, and are holding your head up well.

Tooth Count:  None

Words:  You are making simple vowel sounds aaahh and oooooh are your favorites with an occasional squeak.

Clothes:  Most of the clothes you are wearing these days are 3 to 6 months with a few 0 to 3 month outfits that still fit.

Firsts:  We've had lots of firsts this month! You made your first trip to Michigan which included meeting tons of family and friends for the first time. You also attended your first wedding, stayed in a hotel for the first time, and had your first bottle. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get pictures of these. I wasn't home for your first bottle, and the camera was packed away during your first stay at the hotel. My favorite first this month was meeting your Great-Great-Grandma for the first time! She absolutely loved you and was even strong enough that day to hold you for a few minutes! :0)

All 5 generations together at last!
Happy 2 months little guy!

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