Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 26

June 26, 2014:  Our friends went out of town for the weekend and we got to babysit their little girl. Such a sweetie! She totally stole my husband's chair and wouldn't give it back. :0)

June 27, 2014:  Miss Bailey had surgery on her foot today. They had to remove an abscess that was the size of a golf ball. She was a trooper, and the awesome nurses at our local hospital gave her these stuffed animals to snuggle while she waited for surgery and during recovery.

June 28, 2014:  This little fellow has been amazing this week! He has sat through 8 LONG doctor's appointments as well as several hours at the hospital for Bailey's surgery with minimal complaints. Best. Baby. Ever! Oh, and have I mentioned how much I love these blue eyes???

June 29, 2014:  Bailey sporting her pink "sock" as she likes to call it. She is finally getting used to it and is starting to walk around more.

June 30, 2014:  Look who's 2 months old already!

July 1, 2014:  Bailey loves to help and be involved in everything that I am doing. Today, she helped me give Hunter a bath. She had to make sure the water was the right temperature for her baby brother.

July 2, 2014:  We're spending a lot of time in the bathtub trying to keep her foot clean! She doesn't look thrilled...

July 3, 2014:  We had planned on attending our local fireworks today, but a quick storm thanks to Hurricane Arthur made it a little too wet out to sit in the grass.

You can catch some more amazing 365 day projects by clicking the link below!

Nurse Loves Farmer

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are literally evolving each week! Love them!


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